The Time for Smartassery is Upon Us

My friends, the time for Humor is upon us.  If ever there was a need for laughter it is now. If ever there was a place for courageous irreverence it is here. If ever a world was in need of smartassery, it is our world. Gird your funny bones, armor yourselves with laughter, make powerless bullying, bigotry, and bossybritches  bunkum with your good-natured wit and brave hearts.  Go out there and make ’em laugh!

the time for humor

photo by Karen Molenaar Terrell

1 thought on “The Time for Smartassery is Upon Us

  1. Reblogged this on humoristianity and commented:

    My friends, the time for Humor is upon us. If ever there was a need for laughter it is now. If ever there was a place for courageous irreverence it is here. If ever a world was in need of smartassery, it is our world. Gird your funny bones, armor yourselves with laughter, make powerless bullying, bigotry, and bossybritches bunkum with your good-natured wit and brave hearts. Go out there and make ‘em laugh!

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